Zbirka: Lattafa
Dubai’s leading premium luxury perfumery of authentic Arabic fragrances, inspired by the Arabic words, ‘Latif’ for kindness and ‘Lateefa’ for pleasant, Lattafa resonates with the luxury and elegance of the Arabian culture. It vividly captures the essence of its glorious heritage in its captivating fragrance. It is for sure your ultimate destination for luxurious & exotic home grown fragrances in Middle-east and across 61 countries of the world.

Začnite svoje parfumsko popotovanje
Naročite se na mesečno parfumsko pustolovščino! Na zabaven in enostaven način preizkusite nove in zanimive nišne dišave, preden se odločite za stekleničko polne velikosti. Zagotovite si 4 različne nišne parfume na mesec in izboljšajte svojo parfumsko kolekcijo!